What if you could AFFIRM your way to a better life…

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Imagine if your entire life you were told that you’re beautiful. Your parents, your aunts, your friends, your school teachers – everyone around you helped you form a strong belief that you’re really beautiful, so your self-talk becomes no different: you simply know that it’s true, and your behavior follows.

But what if your belief system was fed with another kind of thoughts?

Yes, you guessed it right.

Trinity Affirmations is the biggest resource of positive affirmations in the world, and now with our app you can access them anywhere, anytime, and work on your personal development even when you’re not actively working on it.

And now we have made it easier than ever: download the app, choose the track and start rewiring your brain right away:

Available on Apple App Store

How it Works

Most of us aren’t immune to self-defeating and/or negative thoughts, but at the same time we wish that it could all somehow change: that we were more self-confident, that we had more of an entrepreneurial mindset, that we were able to cope with the challenges in our lives more easily…

Well, our mind can make these changes – we simply have to feed it with different kind of thoughts.

And the process then goes something like this: when faced with statements that affirm something different than we currently believe is true, our subconscious has two choices: to avoid it, or to reconsider its previous beliefs. Its first reaction is usually to stay with its perceived inner truth, especially if the gap is too big, simply because it’s easier, but your job is not to give up before, a) it gets familiar with the idea that the truth might actually be something more beneficial to you, then b) starts accepting this more positive self-image as quite possibly your own truth, and finally turns it into a belief, a conviction just as strong as if it has been with you your entire life.

About Our Tenses

Each album consists of three sets of affirmations:

Present tense affirmations

The affirmations in this set usually begin with “I am”, “I choose” and similar statements formulated in the present tense. This set is for you if you feel that the gap between your current beliefs and the ones you want to acquire isn’t too big, so by affirming that the change has already occurred or that it is occurring right now you are only filling the missing blocks of thoughts that should fill the gap and strengthen your conviction.

Future tense affirmations

This set of affirmations is formulated to help your subconscious get accustomed to the possibility that one day in the near future, you will become the kind of person you want to become and that your life will turn the way you’d like.

This set is for you if you’re right now finding it difficult to believe that what you want is something you can actually have – if your current beliefs are too far from it and if your internal resistance is too strong. If that’s the case, you should first use this set before moving on to one of the other two. It will basically plant the seeds of change within your subconscious and bridge the gap which currently exists.

Natural affirmations

Natural affirmations are formulated so that they are timeless in a way. There are two cases when this set is a good choice:

That’s why it’s best to use this set in combination with one of the previous two, depending on the way you judge your current state and, of course, the way this set of affirmations makes you feel.

What is the Best Set For You?

Each set has its own characteristics but the easiest way to decide which one is currently right for you is to read or listen to all of them once or a few times, and to observe how you feel: the set that resonates with you the most, the one that sounds most natural to you is the one you should go with.

You can also combine two sets and listen to one after another, or in different periods of the day, if you feel that the combination would be the best choice for you. You will most probably not need to listen to all three albums during the same period, but you certainly can if you feel that you need them all.

What Are The Possibilities?

With over 250 albums, it's difficult to mention all that's possible with positive affirmations. Some of the product categories that you can find on our website are:

See all our products here:

Browse Our Entire Collection of Albums ⇢

How To Use The App

If you don't have an account with us, you're getting a FREE album Self Esteem by installing the app - to try and test it at ease.

If you have already purchased one or more of our albums, then you just need to connect the app to your account with Trinity Affirmations, and all the albums you've purchased will be in there.

Available on Apple App Store