Overcome Smoking Addiction Affirmations

Naturally quit smoking and get back your health and your life in a matter of weeks with the help of this transformational affirmations audio.

Overcome Smoking Addiction Affirmations CD Album Cover
  • Are you passionate about cigarettes?
  • Do you find it difficult to even imagine your life without them?
  • Have you been struggling to quit smoking but without much success?
  • Do you want help in overcoming this bad habit once and for all?

Smoking is bad for you and you know it. Lecturing you about the harmful effects of smoking cigarettes won't make you quit – you already know all of it, including the health effects, the smell, the price... You know it's a nasty habit and yet, you're still unable to quit.

Nicotine is partly a physical addiction, but the main reason why you keep making excuses not to quit is in the way your mind works: it believes that you can't go without cigarettes, that they relax you and keep you sane. Over the years it has formed strong thought patterns which make you not want to quit and no matter how many patches or gums you take, you're simply unwilling to push through the period of recovery.

The only way to really quit is to change these thought patterns and to create new ones which will increase your willpower and motivation to quit and above all, make you want to quit. Regular listening will affect your beliefs and turn you into someone who wants to overcome this habit and is completely committed to it.

What to Expect

This album will:

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Download this album now and start changing the way your mind sees cigarettes – transform them from a necessity to an enemy of your health and lifestyle and increase the likelihood of never going back again!

Present Tense

  • I am breathing healthy and smoke-free air
  • I have healthy habits, which keep my organs clean and healthy
  • My will power overcomes any addictive substance use
  • I am free from smoking and very happy about it
  • My lungs are clean and healthy as I only inhale clean air
  • I am willingly over smoking
  • I have effortlessly stopped smoking completely
  • I care and respect my body and let go off unhealthy addictions
  • I am calm, easily and willingly over my bad habits
  • I have stopped smoking forever with ease and comfort

Future Tense

  • I shall breathe only healthy and smoke-free air
  • I will keep and maintain healthy habits, which keep my organs clean and healthy
  • My will power will overcome any addictive substance use
  • I will be free from smoking and do it very happily
  • My lungs will be and remain clean and healthy as I will only inhale clean air
  • I will soon be willingly over smoking
  • I will effortlessly stop smoking completely
  • I will care and respect my body each day and let go off unhealthy addictions
  • I will be calm, at ease and willing to get over my bad habits
  • I will stop smoking forever with ease and comfort

Natural Tense

  • My natural state is that of a non-smoker
  • My body is clean and healthy as I stick to my healthy habits
  • People admire my willpower and support my decision to have a smoke-free life
  • My senses are sharp and I enjoy fully tasting and smelling the food
  • Smoking has absolutely no appeal to me
  • My health is getting better every day
  • My lungs are filled with air and my muscles are well-nourished
  • It is great to live in a non-smoking environment
  • It is empowering to know that I have the power over my life choices
  • Relaxation and calm that I am now feeling are priceless and worth keeping no matter what