Learn Drums Affirmations
Use this powerful affirmations album and start drumming like a rockstar sooner than you think it's possible.

- Do you feel you’ll never get the hang of drumming, no matter how hard you try?
- Are you having trouble with speed and coordination?
- Are you struggling to practice consistently?
- Would you like to speed up the learning process and start jamming on the drums fast?
Drums. One of the coolest instruments you could have picked. The drummers may be in the background of the band, but everybody knows they are the ones who set the rhythm.
Everybody expects piano players and guitarists playing solo, but when drummers start jamming, they can bring the masses to their feet.
You know that. That’s why you chose to play this musical instrument, of all.
You want to master playing the drums. Sadly though, so far you don't seem to be cut out for it.
Too many obstacles. You can’t read the notes fast enough. Your hands aren’t moving quick enough. Your attention drifts off far too often and you are stuck on a few songs that you somehow learned.
What’s worse is the more you feel this way, the more the idea you'll become this cool, virtuous drum player seems further away.
But stop right there. First off, what makes you think you’re any worse than thousands of successful drum learners out there?
Because you’re not.
You just need to build a better attitude towards mastering this instrument.
That’s where learn to play the drums positive affirmations fit in.
Listening to this powerful set of affirmations will help you get rid of the limiting beliefs that undermine your progress. You remember a little voice in your head or a subtle feeling telling you that you’re not good enough? That you’ll never rock on stage like your drum idols.
Well, our audio shuts those voices down and eliminates such feelings.
This album will also rewire your mind so you can learn to play the drums faster and easier. Your neural pathways will develop, you’ll read the notes better and your coordination will approve.
This unique method will help you achieve any goal you’ve set to improve your drum playing skills.
Here’s what else the powerful learn to play drums MP3 will do for you.
What to Expect
Listening to this unique album will:
- Boost your motivation so that everyday practice feels “normal“ instead of being a hard work. You will start looking forward to your jamming sessions. Your motivation to give your best while playing will increase. You will challenge yourself constantly to play more difficult partitions.
- Improve your focus on every aspect of playing the drums. Focusing on every aspect of playing the drums will become natural to you. You will master your grip and strokes, and before long, your coordination will improve too. Because of your enhanced focus, you will process the notes easier and remember the songs faster. If you listen to these affirmations every day, you will train your mind to interpret musically based information with ease.
- Build up your self-confidence. This may well be the biggest benefit of listening to and repeating the learn to play the drums affirmations album. Your greatest enemy when trying to master anything really, is self-doubt. Not believing you can actually do it. Not seeing yourself on stage, looking the way you want to and putting up the best performance of your life. This audio-tool will help you imagine yourself to be that guy/girl. You will visualize yourself provoking standing ovations, being admired and adored by many. And when you sit down at your drums to practice, with those feelings...
Well, let’s just say stopping you would be quite a challenge.
Download our free app for iPhone/iPad today and listen immediately after your purchase- just search the App Store for Trinity Affirmations.
Download your learn to play drums affirmations MP3 now and dazzle the crowds with your superb drumming skills in no time.
Present Tense
- I can play the drums
- I am a drummer
- I practice drums regularly
- I can read music easily
- I am musically inclined
- I am talented at playing drums
- I learn easily
- I am dedicated to learning drums
- I can retain information easily
- I concentrate well
Future Tense
- I will learn to play the drums
- I will practice regularly
- I will learn to read music
- I will be known for my musical talent
- I will learn easily
- I will concentrate fully
- I will be motivated to practice
- I will retain information easily
- I am getting better at playing the drums
- I will process what I learn efficiently
Natural Tense
- Playing the drums is easy
- Others view me as a drummer
- Learning to play the drums comes naturally
- Practicing is fun
- Concentrating comes easily to me
- Retaining information is easy for me
- Playing the drums feels natural
- Learning to play the drums is fun
- My skills are improving
- My ability to read music is improving