Overcome Social Anxiety Affirmations
Get rid of your social anxiety for good - use these powerful affirmations to reprogramme your mindset and thrive in all social interactions.

- Do you constantly fear what others may think of you?
- Are you sick of being anxious in various social situations?
- Do you feel stressed every time you meet someone new?
- Would you like to break free from your social anxiety and finally be confident and relaxed in every social occasion that you come across?
So, your friend threw a big party last weekend. Your friends and many fascinating people you don’t know were present. A lot of booze, amazing energy and terrific music too. You did your best to make yourself go, but every time you pictured yourself carefree and relaxed at that party, your heart started to race.
And you just couldn’t go. Too much pressure.
How many great opportunities have you missed because you feared you won’t do well in a certain social setting?
How many others are you willing to let pass you by?
You need to understand two things.
First, you are not alone. People from all walks of life suffer from social anxiety of a certain level at some point in their lives and second, there is nothing wrong with you. You may FEEL you are flawed, not interesting enough, smart enough or good enough.
But enough is enough, this is all in your head.
You just happened to tangle yourself in limiting beliefs, negative thoughts and behavioral patterns.
They are to blame for the strong negative feelings which bother you when you expect to interact with other people.
Lucky for you, there is a way to fix this.
Yes, you can be self-confident and relaxed around others. You can meet new people without blushing or having stomach churns and you can enjoy parties, thrive at job interviews or even start conversations with unknown people, all on your own.
“How?” you say.
There are plenty of things you can do.
Stop avoiding social setups. Challenge your fears. Learn to recognize and stop negative thoughts about yourself before or during social events.
All this may be scary at first, but we have the perfect tool to help you make each step towards your goal easier and overcome your fears faster.
Although this album is not the cure or a magic pill that'll take away your social anxiety, it helps. It works in more than one way too.
In essence, if you commit to reciting and repeating these affirmations often, they rewire your mind frame and gradually eliminate the limiting beliefs that feed your fear and anxiousness.
What to Expect
Our overcome social anxiety affirmations audio does three main things:
- Instill self-confidence in your mindset and make you more outgoing. Think of this album as a shield that will one by one, shatter all the negative thoughts about yourself that strike you. Reciting the affirmations will nurture the positive and realistic beliefs instead. As a result, your self-confidence will boost . YOU will attend meetings, go to parties and meet new people while feeling relaxed and with a natural smile on your face.
- Focus your attention on achieving your goals. The overcome social anxiety affirmations will help you shift your focus from the anxiety, insecurity and fears that haunt you, to the person you want to become instead. You will imagine yourself mingling with the crowd, with confidence and grace. It won’t happen overnight and you will have to be brave, but these affirmations will help you act despite your fears.
- Diminish your social anxiety and fears. Your fears stop you from living your life as you should. They seem big and scary and you feel helpless before them. But our transformational affirmations will strip the fear and the anxiety of their power over you. The more you repeat them, the more you’ll find the strength to challenge yourself and expose yourself to different social interactions. The more you do that, the more self-assured and outgoing you’ll be.
Download our free app for iPhone/iPad today and listen immediately after your purchase- just search the App Store for Trinity Affirmations.
Don’t miss out on another great opportunity because of your social anxiety. Download this mighty affirmations audio now and live your life to the fullest!
Present Tense
- I am a social butterfly
- I love meeting new people
- I enjoy being in a crowd
- I am very social
- I seek out others
- I am comfortable in groups
- I meet new people easily
- I am outgoing
- I have loads of confidence
- High self-esteem is one of my best traits
Future Tense
- I am becoming more socially confident
- I will meet new people easily
- I will relax at parties
- I am starting to feel more at ease in social situations
- Others will see me as a social butterfly
- I am increasing my self-esteem
- I will transform into someone who is effortlessly outgoing
- I will enjoy meeting new people
- I will just be myself and have a carefree attitude
- I am noticing I feel more comfortable in crowds
Natural Affirmations
- Meeting new people is fun
- I can effortlessly maintain eye contact
- Being in crowds is comfortable
- My confidence is high
- Others see me as outgoing
- My self-esteem is high
- Socializing is easy
- Meeting new people comes easily to me
- Staying calm in groups is easy
- Being outgoing feels natural